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It’s all abut her...

when God designed to create me before conception

for the birth of my life, I owe it to her

my mother who cradled me in her arms

nursing me in her tender care, it was always her

for the wholesome meals she had meticulously prepared

our loving family knew it was always her

the clothes mother sewed for us in her spare moments

the family chores and nurturing, it was always her

mother's kind hospitality was what we admired

mother's soft-spoken voice was something we learnt from her

mother hardly ever complained about any of her ailments

mother read and sang in her quiet moments, we were so thrilled for her

the day she fell gravely ill and had to be hospitalized

our hands were tied but we prayed for her

mother's demands in life were extremely few

all she wanted was family unity for us, indeed so caring of her

would we want another mother, no, none other would do

father stayed a widower until death and kept the torch for her


Copyright © emilia








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