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Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?

 " Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani my God, my God, why have you abandoned me? " Jesus uttered in Hebrew such words in those stark moments of the Crucifixion

Likewise these thoughts often creep upon our mind at certain junctures in our lives when things fail miserably much as we try or do not try

Christ hath depicted our human minds ere we sense it But take heart, our true and living God heareth every rumbling every thought we conceive even before our action " The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still " so we learn from Exodus 14: 14

We can safely take comfort and dwell in the shelter of the most high, our Almighty God who will send the Light to guide our path and send relief in the best possible way We need God's mercy to soothe us inside out

Wearied as we are, He knows our strength has its limit Allow God to fight for us, await upon His wisdom Our own thinking often comes to naught Heed His gentle whisper, be calm in our mind

The Prince of Peace is with us at all times Not only with us; but also in our circumstances He is in control of all that happens to us He can use bad things for good

Though this may not remove our suffering But it does redeem the situation granting meaning Take courage, let God lead us into His inner Sanctuary Seek God with all our heart...

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