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Blessed Reunion

it has been the joy of Divine arrangement meeting my long lost friend after twenty years our temporal life on earth is so filled with havoc and undue fears that we failed to connect for such a lengthy time what a blessing indeed i caught up with Aily an old friend of mine

what joy we savoured to reconnect once again

it was the familiar voice i knew of Aily whom i knew in college days it was a congenial chat at its best when we met again reminiscing the good old days with thanksgiving that time hath not change a thing what we hold dear

events that brought us to a blessed reunion were ultimately clear

we recalled the fun and adventure we had shared, remembering our strengths our hobbies, our jaunts and our tastes for food and clothing and fashions our ambitions, our achievements, our failures, our gains and patterns our beliefs in God, our conviction in life, our puzzles of life to be looking back, we had shared plenty together on such an afternoon so free

with glad hearts we chatted all afternoon extending to night we combed the shopping mall as we had always loved to do before we downed huge cups of fragrant tea and window shopped all the floors we spent renewed times in abundance that special evening with God's blessed assurance, we know our fraternity is for keeping

despite a long separation of twenty years, nothing changes at all Aily recounted the sad times she could not meet me again but all good things happen because God hath designed we meet again

our blessed reunion assures us what a faithful friend can be to each other

to love is to understand one another then, now and forever





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