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A Night In Shanghai

Strolling by the Outer Bund in Shanghai

That very evening so very fairyland like

A light drizzle trickling from Heaven

But under the shield of an umbrella so dainty and oriental

With Jing, my Bootscooting mate from local land

There's  joy in sharing and discussing

our recent cruise aboard The Rhapsody



Leisure boats glide by upon Huangpo River on the Bund

Shapes of quaint construction simulating floats

Of domes and carriages from outer space

Adorn this night so enchantingly beautiful

With the city lights on the foreshore displaying its affluence



These skyscrapers of concrete no longer look harsh and static

With the glow of neon and starlight they compose just harmony

As we recall our fraternity cruising upon North China Seas

We are both drunk by the wonderment of man-made architecture

Lit afresh to project culture and majesty

Of a Land that reveals progress and humanity



On this night so misty but calm

We share our joys of life on earth

No wonder Jing takes special pride in this Land she loves so much

Of struggle, love and humanity all combined

Me, a wanderer on earth, likewise

Feel this love so abundant upon Shanghai Bund

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